Ko Wai Mātou

About Us

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea is the post-settlement governance Iwi entity established to manage the settlement assets as well as the assets and liabilities of the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board.

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea is the Post Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) established to receive and manage the Treaty settlement assets as well as the assets of the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board. You can find out more about the Board’s assets at the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board website.

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea will:

  • Receive, hold and manage settlement property for the benefit of its members
  • Support the maintenance and establishment of places of cultural or spiritual significance to the Iwi
  • Promote the educational, spiritual, economic, social and cultural advancement and well-being of the Iwi and its members
  • Undertake commercial activities to support its objectives and purposes; and — any other purpose that is considered from time to time to be beneficial to the Iwi and its members
  • Provide the flexibility for both commercial functions as well as distribution to members

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Trustees

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea is governed by 16 Trustees.

Arihia Tuoro
Arihia Tuoro

Ngāti Ngahere Representative

Damian Papuni
Damian Papuni

Deputy Chair
Ngāti Ruatakenga Representative

Courtney Papuni
Courtney Papuni

Ngai Tamahaua Representative

Dawn Te Hereripine Hill
Dawn TeHereripine Hill

Ngai Tamahaua Representative

Te Kahautu Maxwell
Te Kahautu Maxwell

Ngāti Ngahere Representative

Linda Aroha Papuni-Grave
Linda Aroha Papuni-Grave

Ngāti Ruatakenga Representative

Te Puritanga Jefferies
Te Puritanga Jefferies

Ngāti Patumoana Representative

Bradley Walker
Bradley Walker

Ngāti Patumoana Representative

Renay Jones
Renay Jones

Ngāti Ira Representative

Amber Leah Rakuraku
Amber Leah Rakuraku

Ngāti Ira Representative

Miranda (née Pukepuke) Horan
Miranda (née Pukepuke) Horan

Te Ūpokorehe Representative

Victor Hape

Te Ūpokorehe Representative

Nadine Gray
Nadine Gray

General Representative

Te Ringahuia Hata
Te Ringahuia Hata

General Representative

Marsh Moore
Marsh Moore

General Representative

Marcelle Pio
Marcelle Pio

General Representative

Trustees must be registered in the Whakatōhea Register of Beneficiaries, be over the age of 18 and be eligible in accordance with the Trust Deed. Anyone who is 18 years and over and of Whakatōhea descent is eligible to vote.

Duties of Trustees

In exercising the powers and functions under this Deed, each Trustee must have regard to the context of the Trust and the Trust’s Purpose.

Mandatory Duties

Each Trustee is required to comply with the Mandatory Duties. For the avoidance of doubt, each Trustee must:

  • know the terms of this Deed;
  • act in accordance with this Deed;
  • act honestly and in good faith;
  • hold or deal with the Trust Assets and liabilities and otherwise act for the benefit of the Members of Whakatōhea, in accordance with this Deed and the Trust’s Purpose;
  • exercise their powers for a proper purpose; and
  • act in accordance with any Code of Conduct developed by the Trust.

Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria set out in rule 2.1 and 6.8 of the Second Schedule of the Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Trust Deed. The eligibility criteria are outlined on the nomination form.

Candidates are required to declare if elected, that they agree to be bound by the terms of Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Trust Deed, Te Oatitanga, any other relevant Trustee obligations and to publicly swear on an oath to do so.

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Structure

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Structure

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Governance

Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea governance structure consists of:

  • 12 Hapū Trustees – 2 elected from each of the 6 hapū Ngai Tamahaua, Ngāti Ruatakena, Ngāti Patumoana, Ngāti Ngahere, Ngāti Ira and Ūpokorehe
  • 4 General Trustees, at least one 1 of which is a Rangatahi Trustee (aged 18 to 35 years old)
Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea governance

Elections will be held every three (3) years which is the term of office with the maximum of any one person serving on the Trust being 3 consecutive terms.

For more information on the role of the Trustees and Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea, follow the link to read the Trust Deed.


Whakatōhea Register of Beneficiaries

We encourage all Whakatōhea whānau to register to the Whakatōhea Register of Beneficiaries.

Click here for the online registration process. Registration forms are also available by phoning 07 315 6150 or emailing reception@whakatōhea.co.nz